Silicon Labs Thunderboard BG22 ⚡ Is the BG22 best platform for learning Bluetooth Low Energy? With excellent documentation, a great IDE experience, and a low price, I definitely think so!
React Rewriting the Bus App in Vue A comparison of a VueJS and React implementation of the same web app. Visually similar, fundamentally different? Let's find out.
javascript Building a better bus arrival app Bus App V2! In this installment, we are rewriting the app in Node and React.
budgeting How I built a YNAB-like budget in Google Sheets How I created a YNAB-like budgeting system in Google Sheets. Benefits: $0/yr + an automated budgeting pipeline that requires minimal management.
3 cent microcontroller Padauk Microcontrollers: Exploration and Usage Exploring the 3 cent microcontroller from Padauk, Taiwan. Impression: A legitimate replacement for simple use-case projects.
Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi NAS in 2020 Want to access your hard drive from anywhere? Have a spare Raspberry Pi lying about, just waiting for a project? Set up a Raspberry Pi NAS with updated instructions for 2020!
Essentials Board The Essentials Board A universal breakout board that takes care of power and clock for SMD microcontrollers.
Capstone 2 Revolute Joint Robotic Arm A final year capstone project. A two revolute joint robot with high torque, speed, and precision. Achieved in hardware, software and electrical design.
Projects Simple Overhead LED Desk Lamp Illuminate your entire desk with almost no shadows with this unique overhead arch design!
Arduino How to stream data from Arduino to Android with the JDY-08 How to get the JDY-08 module to stream data to your Android phone!
nRF24l01 An integrated Arduino nRF24L01+ module While blinking LEDs can be really fun, wireless communication is like magic. I combined an nRF24 chip with a ATMEGA328P on a PCB.
Projects Building an Arduino compatible HM-11 Bluetooth board After messing around with the nRF52 for a little while, one day I wondered if there was a cheaper option for bluetooth modules, because all I really wanted was the Bluetooth from the nRF52. It took awhile to look, but I was not disappointed. I found the CC2541. Introduction HM-11
Projects Building an IoT Pomodoro-Weather Thingy A little desk thingy that can report the weather outside and serve as a Pomodoro timer. I call it the Able Stable. Background I often find myself checking on the weather before I go out. Sometimes the weather can be bitterly cold, and other times it can be warm enough
Projects Hacking the IKEA TVÄRS Lamp for IoT and other Shenanigans This is a teardown of the IKEA TVÄRS lamp and provides two small but fun projects you can do with this very versatile, very affordable lamp from IKEA: a controllable RGB lamp and a lit charging station. Disassembling this lamp is pretty simple! First unclip the bulb holder from the
Projects New Day, a Chrome Extension I first came across Zest [] while browsing the Adafruit blog. It struck me as one of the better put together student projects and I was very impressed by the completeness, both by it's technical aspects and the design, so naturally I wanted to see
Projects M0 Plus Breakout Board Chronicling my adventures of making and remixing various boards with the marvelous SAMD21 M0+ chip in all it's various incarnations.
Projects The Wayfinder Glove This is a cycling glove that lights up with a flick of the wrist. Additional projected capabilities include bluetooth communication, a compass mode, and a waypoint mode where the glove points you to your next waypoint. Lights Figure 1. Lighting on glove This glove uses the Adafruit Playground as the
Projects BreatheDot: A Portable Battery-Powered Meditation Aid Calm down, refresh, and focus with this little tool. A Hackaday Prize Finalist!
Projects The Headcrab Project (taking control of another circuit) So, this week I managed to get my hands on one of these (recycled): Figure 1. 3-Light LED RGB Puck Light Kit This is sold in Home Depot for about $30. However, the one that I salvaged did not have the remote, so I was unable to switch it on.
IoT Artificial Assistant Ever wanted a artificial assistant that you control? Well now you can! With all the api's floating around, it is extremely simple to build a Siri-like/Alexa device that you can completely program and control in Python. This also avoids the somewhat uncomfortable idea that a company has
Projects Paracord LED Bracelet This project is a combination of a paracord bracelet and Adafruit's LED Friendship Bracelet by Becky Stern which can be found here []. The problem that I had with the original design was that the batteries were falling out easily and it was
Projects The Digispark Temperature Sensor The Digispark is a low-cost Attiny85 module that breaks out all pins in a breadboard friendly format and combines it with a USB interface to allow programming with the Arduino IDE. Because it is open source, others have found methods to reduce the cost of production of this board and