IoT The most useless IoT table lamp in existence How I made the most useless IoT table lamp in existence. Now comes with mechanical and electrical design comments!
Projects Building an IoT Pomodoro-Weather Thingy A little desk thingy that can report the weather outside and serve as a Pomodoro timer. I call it the Able Stable. Background I often find myself checking on the weather before I go out. Sometimes the weather can be bitterly cold, and other times it can be warm enough
IoT Artificial Assistant Ever wanted a artificial assistant that you control? Well now you can! With all the api's floating around, it is extremely simple to build a Siri-like/Alexa device that you can completely program and control in Python. This also avoids the somewhat uncomfortable idea that a company has
ULCEK Tutorials Create a WebServer (10) With the ESP8266 it was hinted earlier that it can host a web page, and this guide serves as a quick breakdown of how to create a server that serves up webpage. This can also be found as a sketch under Examples. This tutorial assumes that you have some knowledge
esp8266 Uploading without wires (7) This tutorial is only for the ESP8266 chip. If you have a ESP8266 chip, we have merely used 5% of this chip's total capabilities. The ESP8266 chip can both connect to Access Points (AP) and also set up a soft AP, which cleans that it can serve as
wemos The ESP8266 Module The ESP8266 module is a low-cost wifi chip that was released by Espressif Systems and came to the attention of hobbyists in 2014 when AI-Thinker released the ESP-01 module. Since then there has been a proliferation of chips and breakout boards released to the public. There are many guides out