$0.03 Calibration for Touch Sensitive Devices Making the headphones more reliable and exploring low power options on the PFS173.
Padauk Conversion Mod: Wired to Bluetooth Headphones I upgraded my Custom One Pro headphones with Bluetooth and touchpad controls so I don't get violently yanked back to my table every time I forget my headphones are plugged in.
3 cent microcontroller Using the 3 cent microcontroller as a encoder counter Making a rotatory encoder counter in under a dime.
soil sensor Better Soil Sensor How a capacitive moisture sensor works with a 555 timer, and getting it to work with the BG22 Bluetooth chip from Silicon Labs!
3 cent microcontroller Padauk Microcontrollers: Exploration and Usage Exploring the 3 cent microcontroller from Padauk, Taiwan. Impression: A legitimate replacement for simple use-case projects.