$0.03 Calibration for Touch Sensitive Devices Making the headphones more reliable and exploring low power options on the PFS173.
tea React-Teave: Ranking teas according to your preferences Introducing React-Teave! A tea ranking site made in React that sorts rated teas to your preferences.
programming How to program an ATtiny85 easily How to program an ATtiny85 in Arduino easily with micronucleus.
ULCEK Tutorials Action, Sensor Reaction (4) Often when we build devices we want them to react to the external environment. This means we have to implement some sort of sensor to detect the changes. In this case we'll build a light detector that brightens according to how much shade is thrown upon it. We&
ULCEK Tutorials Breathing an LED (3) Blinking an LED is all fine and dandy, but it doesn't make for any pretty effects. A breathing LED, now that is something pretty to gaze upon. But how can we do that? A microcontroller only knows two states, HIGH and LOW, how can we get a state
Guides Automatically resume downloads with Curl below a certain speed I recently ran into the problem of having a rather crappy connection and wanting to download a really large file. Often the speed would climb to the kilobyte range before falling back down to 0, where it would not recover. However, I could not spend all my time watching my